Monday, January 19, 2015

Picture Time!

Here are a couple pictures of my progress!

Front View

October, 2014

January, 2015

Top View

October, 2014

January, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Halfway! Yay!

So I'm at the halfway point!

Today starts Week 10! I have 20 weeks in total, so I'm thrilled.

My next appointment with the ortho is on Tuesday next week, which is when I find out if I need to have rubberbands put on for my midline to get corrected. The line between my front two teeth on top don't line up with the line between the bottom ones, so my midline is off. If it's something the Invisalign isn't working on, I need to have the rubberbands to help move the back teeth faster. I guess. I'll find out for sure on Tuesday.

So here's my aligner progress:

Aligner #1

Aligner #10

Uppers on are on the left, bottoms on the right

There's still a ways to go, but you can totally tell on the uppers the change. The front tooth still needs to meet better with its later incisor, but some major progress has been made :) The bottoms look more like an arch, but are still crooked.

In actuality, I only have 17 aligners left, the last 3 are "over corrections" I'm hoping that I could just end at the 17. **Crosses fingers**

I'm happy with the progress, and thrilled that I had the Acceledent. I don't know if I could have stuck with it without that. The aligners are getting very annoying. Especially when it's closer to changing time. They get lose and you notice them more often. I also do miss snacking. I think I complained last entry about the same thing, so sorry for being repetitive. 

I'll show before and current pics of my smile in another entry!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Week #9

So I know it's been a while, but nothing eventful has really been going on. I'm currently at Aligner #9.

It's been about 2 months, and I've seen a little bit of a difference. I can see in my aligners that there's not as big of a protruding front tooth, but I still see a lot of improvement that needs to happen over the next 11 aligners.

Overall the treatment has been going well - using the Acceledent and changing my aligners every week. The date that I change the Aligners are a little sore. One issue I did have was one contact point between two teeth was really strong, and it was causing severe pain when I ate or drank anything cold. My ortho shaved down the tooth that was pushing and it has seemed to help so far.

Other than that, not much exciting has been going on. The aligners get pretty annoying to have in. When I take them out to eat, I wish I didn't have to put them back in. It's a plus that I don't do it, but I miss snacking or having a coffee/soda in the middle of the day.

I can't wait to be finished with treatment! 

I'll take pictures at Aligner/Week #10, which is my halfway point.