Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! <3 

It's the end of Week 15! Tomorrow I change into my next set.

After today, my bottom teeth are complete! I have 2 passive liners (my top teeth have 2 more aligners to go) and then I have 3 "OverCorrection" aligners which just make everything come together (aka no more gaps).

So on March 23, I should be done!

Unfortunately, there's a downside. 

What happens 9 times out of 10, is the series of refinements. Once I finish this bout, I have my attachments removed, more impressions taken, and then have another set of aligners made for me. My ortho told me that would take 10 more aligners.

My current problem is that my midline on my upper teeth don't match my bottom teeth. My ortho gave me rubberbands to help speed that movement up, but it looks like it won't be enough by the time I'm done.

It's entirely my call - if I'm happy with my teeth at the end of these 5 weeks, I can call it quits. If not, I can continue onwards. I'm not sure what I want to do. I'll be moving after my wedding, so it might not be worth driving back for my visits, but we will see!

I love pictures, so here are my Week 1 Aligners vs my Week 15 Aligners. 

Look at that difference! Almost straight and aligned so much wider!

I'll definitely have before and after pictures in a few weeks. Can't wait to be done!


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